Michelle Eliason

Apart from living in Germany for three years, Michelle Eliason has lived in Denver for over 30 years. Her professional life took root in the business world, and then her passion for design and desire to help others led her to return to school for an interior design degree. Michelle’s business acumen, plus an eye…

Linda Brooks

With a background of commercial interior design, art and architecture history Linda appreciates all styles of architecture and design and enjoys helping clients to identify their own style. While she practiced commercial interior design for over 12 years, her passion for remodeling homes began when she and her husband bought their first home, a 1907…

Anna Drewry

Even in her childhood years, Anna was abundantly creative, collaborative, and driven. Whether it was canvas and pastels, or doodling in the margins of her textbook, artistic expression has always been a natural interest of hers. Attending Purdue University in West Lafayette, IN as a Public Relations and Advertising student spurred this creativity as she…

Zane Brunetti

Zane’s love of architecture and design was inspired by her father, who worked in construction as a framer building large custom homes. Watching his projects grow from the ground up was always a wonder and often left her dreaming of where the project would be taken next. This curiosity and her creative eye led her…

Stacy McFadden

A graphic design background paired with years of experience in home design and building has helped Stacy develop a creative approach to design. She has a talent for discovering the unique potential of any space. She loves to start with a cup of tea and a conversation about wants, needs, and possibilities. Stacy has lived…

Holly Bluel

Holly’s experience as a hands-on “flipper” and former construction company manager has given her a practical insight into the remodeling process that she brings to each and every client interaction. Her intuitive nature prompts her to take cues from customers to get a sense of who they are–and how they live–even before starting a project.…

Jeanne Wisner

Coming from the culinary field, Jeanne brings a unique perspective to her clients and the creative process — combining her love of cooking and food with 21 years of design experience in New York and Denver. Jeanne loves learning and being a strong resource for her clients. Her approach combines creating a functional and beautiful space…

David Hawk

David earned a Business degree from the University of Missouri St Louis. Early career accomplishments in the Silicon Valley electronics industry included managing national sales organizations, general management and quality control. This experience gave David a strong operations background and intense training in the importance of zero defects and client communications and service to ensure…